Friday, March 18, 2011

Solutions For Children Addicted to Video Games

Playing the game for most of the children are very exciting, even very difficult to move from the front of the TV and leave the video game console them? According to a study released recently Pediatrics, nearly one in 10 children suffering from addiction to video games

You do realize, spend too much time playing video games is an unhealthy habit. In fact, children who are addicted to video games tend to experience depression, anxiety, and get a bad grade in school.

So, how to categorize a child addicted to video games or obsessive? Children who have an average playing video games for 31 hours or more a week, classified as obsessive and more likely to have mental health problems and poor academic achievement.

Risk factors
Suzanne Roberts of Westside Counseling Services reveals, there are four risk factors a child is addicted to video games:
1. The history of addiction in the family: whatever type of addiction in the family history, ranging from Obar drugs, alcohol, or gambling, can be inherited from generation to generation.
2. Games take over the lives of children: Does your baby prefer to play video games than playing with friends, eating, chatting with family, and sleep?
3. Not interested in doing other activities: If the child stops doing other activities that once loved, like playing guitar, because he just wanted game play, this could be an indication of addiction to video games.
4. Victory: The more often children win in the game, the more motivated him to play longer.

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents to restrict the use of computer and video games by children, a maximum of two hours per day.

Meanwhile, Roberts recommends that parents give a specific time for children to play video games, and video game store in the family room or other shared space, so that they can not isolate ourselves.