Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby Movement Counting

One way to check your baby's health is by counting the number of infant movement in a certain period each day. This amount is the amount of fetal movement. Babies do not move constantly, sometimes they sleep and then wake up and move.

How to Calculate Fetus Movement

  • Choose a time in 1 day when your baby is very active
  • Lie down comfortably on your left or right side
  • You may want to eat or drink something first. Food can make the baby becomes more active      Your baby may be more active if you move around shortly before the counting begins.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking is dangerous for you and your baby. Smoking can cause your baby is not active for 90 minutes      
  • Calculate all the baby move, kick, rotary motion, and movements both large and small. Sometimes you can see waves or lumps in your stomach when the baby changes position. Some women describe the motion is circular motion, stretching or pushing. Every movement that feels calculated as 1 movement         
  • If you can not feel the baby move in, put your hand in the abdomen and perahtikan if there is movement.
  • Note the clock and record the hours you begin counting movement.    
  • Every time the baby moves mark on paper.
  • When you've arrived at the 10 movements within 1 hour, stop counting
  • If the baby is moving less than 8-10 movements in a period of 1 hour, calculate the return movements of the baby in the next 1 hour period.
  • Contact your doctor if there is still no movement in the period 1 8-10 hours.

Contact your doctor immediately or your nurse if you feeling major changes in motion. Tell me when was the last you feel your baby move and whether changes occur slowly or suddenly. The nurse or doctor will use other means to check the baby such as listening to the baby's heartbeat or to monitor patterns of heart rate at a certain time.