The crying baby is a way to communicate and express hunger, pain, fear, sleepiness, and others. So, how to know what parents want expressed her baby? It would be difficult to interpret the crying babies, especially for first-time parents handle a baby.
The following are common causes of infant crying. If the baby scream, cry, and you do not know why, try to remember a list of things cause of crying babies below. Hopefully you can find something that could help him stop crying.
1. Hungry
The first thought for the parents when their babies cry is because the baby is hungry. Try to recognize the signs of the baby is hungry to help you start feeding the baby before she was crying. Some signs that need to be considered in newborns when he was hungry; moving as uncomfortable, to move his mouth and smacking her lips, look for your hands when you rub his cheek (baby reflex to seek the origin of food), and put his hands on mouth.
2. Dirty diapers
Some babies will immediately notify his parents immediately after he threw dirt. You can check by touching her diaper, if there is heavy or not. Several other babies could not help crying so dirty diaper.
3. Drowsiness
Adults think, the baby can easily fall asleep anywhere, anytime. In fact, in fact, the baby is not so easy to fall asleep. Some babies will fuss and cry before bed, especially if they are too tired. When you see the baby started to yawn, try to take it to bed and made comfortable. If he was tired and needed sleep, he would fall asleep.
4. Just wanted to cuddle
Babies need a lot of touches and hugs. They like looking at her parents' faces, hear the voice of parents, hear the heartbeat, can even detect the scent of his parents. The crying may be the way they have cuddled.
There are some parents who wonder whether held it too often can make a spoiled baby. However, for the first few months of baby's life, embrace too often will not make it into a spoiled child. So that was not too sore, you can use a cloth carrying or carrier. Another idea you can do, wrap it with a soft blanket, put it in a sleeve with folded arms, and stroked the hair and face.
5. Problems with the stomach (gas, colic, and others)
The problem with the digestion of children, which deals with gas or colic can cause a baby's cry. In fact, colic can cause the baby to cry for hours, even days.
If your baby often whine and cry after being fed, he probably felt the pain in his stomach. If it was not caused by colic, gas in the stomach can cause discomfort. To fix this, try to put it in a supine position, hold his legs, and move his legs like he was pedaling slow motion. See also pants he was wearing, if the rope in the form of rubber, it could be trousers and holding her stomach was pressing the gas to get out of his stomach. Lift the rubber. Slightest pressure can hurt the stomach. Look for other possibilities that can cause abdominal pain in infants, such as stomach acid, stomach flu, milk allergy, lactose intolerance, constipation, and spending clogged.
6. Reflux
Spit or burp is necessary. If the baby cries after being fed, maybe he just needs help to issue a belching (spit). This is when babies swallow air as she breastfed or bottle. If the air is not removed, it can cause discomfort. Some babies will feel very disturbed if there is wind in the stomach. Some babies have no problem with the wind and will come out by itself. Try to put it on your shoulder as he stroked or gently pat his shoulder. There are some kids who can spend the wind when he laid on his stomach. Find out which is more influential for your baby.
7. Too cold or too hot
When your baby feels cold, like when you remove clothing to changing diapers, or cleaning wipes her ass with cold, he could have protested with tears.
Newborns love to be wrapped tightly and kept warm, but not hot. Generally, babies need more than one additional layer imposed adults to feel comfortable with ambient temperature. Generally, babies are not too fussy with the temperature is too warm rather than cold.
8. Narrow
Babies may feel uncomfortable going to the little things, like the tangled hair on one part of his body and cause blockage of blood circulation. Stuff like this is the first time sought by the physician when there are babies who can not stop crying. There are also some children who extra cencitive of the parts that make it comfortable clothing, such as clothing brand labels or stitching clothes.
You can try to imagine yourself in his position. About what can cause discomfort, such as whether there are parts of clothing that can make a finger, arm, or leg cramps, what must change position to sleep or sit, whether given pacifiers had a bad taste, or cable itchy clothing, whether too cold if the bed is too close to the floor, or whether the light is too bright, or television sound too fast, and so forth.
9. Teething
Teething can make your gums ache. Some children may cry more severe than other children, but generally the kids will fuss and cry as it passes through this phase. If your baby cries and you do not understand why, try to feel her gums with your finger. If there was a strong feeling in the gums, teeth may be because there is a mood to grow. On average, a child's first tooth grew between the ages of 4-7 months, but can also be faster.
10. Too much stimulation
Babies learn from stimulation of the world around him, but sometimes they need time to process these things, such as light, sound, replace-replace arms, etc. The crying could be a way to have stopped stimulasi it.
11. Lack of stimulation
Children who need care will probably have a cheerful attitude and eager to know the world, and the only way is to continue to move stopped tears. This can be a tiring thing to you.