Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cegah Polio Pada Bayi

Cegah Polio Pada Bayi. Polio menjadi mimpi buruk di berbagai negara karena memang belum ada obatnya. Tapi jangan kuatir, ada cara menganggulangi polio pada bayi dan balita.
Ancaman polio amat mudah menular dan amat ditakuti di banyak Negara. Oleh karena itulah banyak negara yang mewajibkan memberikan imunisasi polio bagi bayi dan balita.
Virus polio masuk ke tubuh melalui saluran pencernaan jika makanan atau minuman kita tak sengaja tercemar virus polio. Oleh karena itulah sejak dini, anak harus diberikan kekebalan tubuhnya terhadap virus polio melalui imunisasi pada usia 2, 3, dan 4 bulan.
Anak-anak yang terinfeksi polio menunjukkan gejala kaku tengkuk, kaku punggung dan kaki selama 2-10 hari kemudian akan sembuh total. Hanya sekitar 2% dari anak yang terkena polio akan lumpuh total. Tambahan imunisasi polio masih sangat diperlukan oleh anak-anak yang sudah diberikan imunisasi. Karena untuk menghadapi wabah, tubuh anak perlu mendapatkan tambahan kekebalan.

Polio memang tak ada obatnya, tapi bila sudah terkena dan mengalami kelumpuhan, maka latihan fisioterapi agar kaki yang lemah dapat kuat kembali sangatlah diperlukan.

Cegah Polio Pada Bayi mulai detik ini….

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Overcome Milk Eczema In Baby

Overcome Milk Eczema In Baby. milk eczema or called dermatitis atopi one of [the] skin problem most commonly found in baby. red pockmarked marked with water full bubble at area mouth, cheek and vinicity, parents not seldom made panic
cause dermatitis atopi this breed factor (genetik) mempicu also cleanliness less awake, dust, sweat overs do, irritation by soap, detergen, pelembut clothes and chemicals other, with allergyly towards certain food.

way to overcome:

  • give asi to avoid allergy milk formula that can trigger milk eczema.
  • skin is cared regularly with wear baby special moisturizer.

Overcome Milk Eczema In your Baby …good luck…

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What's next, life? Kicking kittens?

Hi, internet people. I've missed you.

I wrote a post - really, I did! And then Blogger ate it. Gluttonous bastard.

Two weeks with no posting - TWO WEEKS - and when I finally sit down to write something... Poof! It's gone. Off to the great internet junkyard in the sky. Or something like that. I can't even think of a decent metaphor, that's how ticked off I am.

It was brilliant! And pithy! With lovely descriptive images that would have made Hemingway weep! As far as you know, the damn thing is lost now so I can talk it up if I want to.

I give up. I think I'm going to go eat another leftover birthday cupcake and wallow. Peanut butter frosting is equally good for celebrating 37th birthdays and for wallowing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Atasi Eksim Susu Pada Bayi

Atasi Eksim Susu Pada Bayi. Eksim susu atau disebut dermatitis atopi adalah salah satu masalah kulit paling umum ditemukan pada bayi. Ditandai bercak merah dengan gelembung berisi air di area mulut, pipi dan sekitarnya, orang tua tak jarang dibuat

Penyebab dermatitis atopi ini adalah faktor keturunan (genetik) yang dipicu pula kebersihan yang kurang terjaga, debu, keringat berlebihan, iritasi oleh sabun, detergen, pelembut pakaian dan bahan kimia lain, serta alergi terhadap makanan tertentu. 

Cara mengatasi:

  • Berikan ASI untuk menghindari alergi susu formula yang dapat mencetuskan eksim susu.
  • Kulit dirawat secara teratur dengan memakai pelembab khusus bayi.

Atasi Eksim Susu Pada Bayi anda…selamat mencoba…

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Technique Buys Baby Coat

Technique Buys Baby Coat. coat, cloth that cover body part. may be you think, during the time you not ever has problem with buy clothes anything. may be only a little problem, kekecilan or grandeur, then what the difference with layette? necessary you know technique buys baby coat, that when you are wrobaby coat ng chooses layette, you also bet in your baby well-being.

1. don't buy in number many in the face of
when will you buy clothes provision for baby moment approach birthday, try to buy with total enough. in meaning, not too much, not also a little. buy with colour ‘aman’ or neutral. because you ignore certain sex,  and what approximately fit with him up to day born it, kan?

2. think practicability
bothing;there is no your reason must buy layette bermerek and expensive at beginning birth it. bewborn baby will bloom very fast. may be only sempat worn several times the baby coats. majority time, the only will lie baby, plus they often will pass.

3. size
as we know, baby grows the fastly. coat criteria even also kinds. usually the size bertulis, “new born”, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months,  and another. may even exist that give turn, example 3-6 month. for beginning, you can buy coat of the size to new born, then because the little will grow fast, you can buy that measure bigger. so that you are unnecessary fritters money for clothes.

4. freshment
freshment of vital importance for baby, also to the mother. so that the little not busy with assortedly coat cut and so that easy mempakaikan, buy the cut ‘normal’. there many choices pengait coat, from button, velcro, risleting,  and as it. best choose layette with pengait button jepret or risleting.

5. easy the treatment
look at also ingredient that bought. although gown is seen funny in children, but gown from ingredient tulle only will make the little iritasi. choose cotton, easy washed self and usefuler.

congratulation try this Technique Buys Baby Coat

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Well Rope, it seems we've reached the end.

My daughter and I are at war. All out, nuclear missile, weapons of mass destruction, war. W-A-R, WAR. What is it good for? That's right, absolutely nuthin'.

My heart hurts, my head is pounding and my throat is sore from yelling. And I'm pretty sure my neighbors are wondering who that crazy bitch is who moved in last year, the one who screeches at her kid. I've reached the end of my rope on more than one occasion over the past year and nothing I do seems to make any bit of difference. Not that screaming helps. Nope. That's just to release the frustration so things don't actually get broken. It doesn't work either.

Maybe it's the age? Her personality? My personality? It doesn't start out bad - I'm positive. I'm zen-mother-goddess. I praise, I reward, I praise, I reward, it devolves, I warn, I punish, I punish, I punish, I lose control, I scream. I do everything the experts tell me to do until it becomes clear it's not working and then it turns into a horrible shouting match. Doors are slammed, things are thrown. Everything, and I do mean everything, is a fight.

Hey Chicky, it's daytime!

No! It's not and you can't tell me it is. Hmmph.

But, but, the sun is shining. It's day. Really! Look! It's daytime.

NO!!! *screaming, crying, tantrum, slamming door, The End*

She's four, for Christ's sake. What's going to happen to us in the coming years if we can't get this sorted out now?

We don't have good days and bad days anymore. We have a good ten or twenty minute span followed by a few hours of hell. Or maybe we go a whole hour or two without arguing and I get comfortable and cocky and then she sets me off with her repeated insolence and rude, defiant behavior.

I want to wrap this up nicely with a pretty pink bow but there is nothing pretty or nice about ending the day with the both of us in tears. There are no learning moments, no future seen in soft-focus, only pain and frustration and fear. I fear that I'm failing her and by virtue of that, her sister who witnesses it all. These are essential years and I can't seem to get it right. It doesn't really bode well for the rest of their childhoods, you know?

I'm so tired. I was hoping by writing this I'd get some of this pressure off my chest and I'd feel better. Turns out, no. There's a list of child development specialists on my fridge that I can call, that I should call, so why does it feel like admitting defeat? Like I can't properly parent my child.

I sound like a broken record at this point. Feel free to move on. No humor, no cute stories. Nothing to see here. Move along.

And please ignore the screaming.